Tammy Holcomb is available for consultation, trainings and public speaking events to help promote awareness and prevention of childhood abuse and eating disorders. By training health care providers, we allow easier access to care for clients and their families.
These are some of the topics that Tammy is available to address:
Understanding Eating Disorders
How Family Members Can Best Support a Loved One with an Eating Disorder
Recognizing Early Warning Signs of an Eating Disorder
Impact of Trauma Work on Therapists
Eating Disorders on College Campus
Twelve Step Work with Eating Disorders
Gender and Sexuality Concerns with Clients with Eating Disorders
Incorporating Trauma Work into Eating Disorder Recovery Plan
The Healing Power of Groups
Therapy Issues Around Weight Loss Surgery
Sacrifice of Self: Binge Eating Disorder
Evaluating the Supervisor
What does Eating Disorder Recovery Look Like?