Green Flags
Green flags in relationships are less often discussed than red flags. While red flags are important to know and notice, green flags are important to recognize. We want to be aware and notice healthy and unhealthy traits in a relationship in order to be safe, comfortable and grow together. Green flags are actions or traits that are healthy or positive signs. Some green flags to notice would be communication, equality, the pace of the relationship, and respect.
Green flag communication would be the free exchange of thoughts and feelings between partners and listening with respect. Equality waves a green flag when both partners have a voice in decision making. The pace of the relationship and consent waves the green flag when partners can talk openly and freely about the physical and sexual aspects of the relationship and boundaries are respected. A billowing, beautiful green flag is respect. Respect allows each person in the relationship to be true to themselves and value the thoughts, feelings, and opinions of each other.
Green flags can be your signal that a relationship has potential to be healthy and thriving. Overall, relationships that are healthy should have both partners feeling respected and equal.