Guided Meditation: Healing Body Dysmorphia
Today, we are going to focus on removing barriers to having a healthy view of your body. To begin, find a comfortable place to lie down or sit comfortably. Make sure to turn off devices and to close doors to protect this time you are taking for yourself.
Once you are comfortable, just focus on your breathe. Don’t try to change it. Just notice it and allow yourself to relax. As your body starts to relax, allow your mind to follow it and to relax and soften also.
As distracting thought come up, choose to pay attention to my voice and return to the moment. Notice how you have that choice. You can choose to stay present and mindful in the moment. Stay with that thought for a moment. You have a choice about what you focus on. You have the power to make that choice. You had the power to make the choice today to take this time for yourself to work on changing your view of your body.
Let’s start with a body scan of your body. As you scan your body, take note of the purpose of each part of your body as you check in with it and allow yourself to feel grateful if that part of your body allows you to do things that give you pleasure or make you happy. For example, I am very grateful to my feet that allow me to walk in the woods. Now, start your body scan at your feet. Work your way all the way from your feet up your body to your head. Take your time. Notice if any negative body talk comes up, but don’t choose to stay with that negative thought. Continue your scan and focus on the gratitude.
Allow your breath to go deeper and your body and mind to relax even more. Imagine yourself walking down a flight of steps to reach a quiet space of self-reflection.
Now, let’s think about Body dysmorphia for a minute. Body Dysmorphia is about the way our brains interpret what our eyes see when we look at our self. It is our brain’s perspective based on its experience. Imagine for a moment that you are outside of yourself observing your brain. You are observing it thinking critical things about your body. When your brain does that, how does it affect your body? What feelings come up? Where in your body do you feel those feelings?
What if your brain was wrong? What would that be like? How would your life be different?
What if you could change your brain… you change your mind about other things. Think about something that you have changed your mind about. What do you think gets in the way of changing your mind about how your body looks? What are these barriers?
Imagine if you could see yourself as you truly are with acceptance. Imagine how that would feel. Where in your body would you feel this? Wouldn’t it be nice to feel this emotion about your body rather than the negative emotion? What if you made that choice? How would you self-talk about your body change?
Notice that when you are relaxed and in touch with your more intuitive self, you are more open to making the choice to change. It is much harder to consider this when you are fully awake and engaged in your life. It doesn’t feel as safe then to challenge this old belief that no longer serves you. Next time negative body talk starts to come up for you, remember this experience of choosing to think differently about your body and the positive emotion that comes with that different view.
The more you are in touch with your internal world and intuition, the less worldly worries matter. The more connected you feel to your internal self, the less focus you put on your external self. You see that that body is just one aspect of who you are.
Going just a little deeper, imagine sitting in front of a mirror. As you look at your body in the mirror, see it from a different perspective. Maybe see it from the perspective of your wise old self. See its youth and vitality. See its strength. Remember the gratitude you felt towards your body earlier. See your total body. Your total self. Your true authentic self. Think of a positive affirmation you could say to yourself in the future when your brain is being hard on you.
Repeat that affirmation to yourself 3 times.
We are ready to close up for today. Remember that you have the choice to change your mind and see yourself from a different perspective. Remind yourself of this as you move up the stairs. When you reach the top of the stairs, take a deep breath, open your eyes and return to the room.